Core concept 5.2

Statistical analysis Understand that the different measures of central tendency offer a summary of a set of data Understand how certain statistical measures may change as a result in changes of data Understand range as a measure of spread, including a consideration of outliers Understand that the different statistical representations offer different insights into a set of data* Use the different measures of central tendency and spread to compare two sets of data Use the different statistical representations to compare two sets of data Recognise relationships between bivariate data represented on a scatter graph

secmm-cc-theme-5-key-idea-39 (1).pptx Use the different measures of central tendency and spread to compare two sets of data

Accurately compare two data sets using one or more summary statistic.

Understand that data sets can have the same measures of central tendency but a different measure of spread.

Understand range is a measure of spread and not a measure of central tendency.

Solve familiar and unfamiliar problems, including real-life applications.

Solve problems where there is more than one answer and where there are elements of experimentation, investigation, checking, reasoning, proof, etc. Given a statistical problem, choose what data needs to be analysed to explore that problem* Given a statistical problem, choose appropriate statistical measures to explore that problem Given a statistical problem, choose appropriate representations to explore that problem Given a statistical problem, choose appropriate measures and representations to effectively summarise and communicate conclusions

secmm-cc-theme-5-key-idea-40.pptx Given a statistical problem, choose appropriate statistical measures to explore that problem

Explain why a certain average is the best choice of measure of central tendency.

Explain why certain statistical measures give a better measure of dispersion.